StayBettr Vacation Rentals

Important Disclosures

Real Estate Licensing Information:

In the State of New York, StayBettr is licensed as a limited liability real estate broker. The Managing Broker licensed as Ricky Lee Sartain, Real Estate Broker License 10491209470. Corporate correspondence may be sent to 140 Starlight Dr, Monticello, NY 12701.

StayBettr does not engage in business that requires a real estate license in the State of Vermont.

Agency Disclosure:

In the State of New York we are required to disclose agency relationships. We encourage you to review the NY Agency Disclosure form for detailed information on agency relationships under the laws of the State of New York. 

StayBettr represents our short-term rental property owner CLIENTS, and act in their interest of as a Landlord's Agent. All properties listed here are subject to this agency relationship. Persons receiving a license or lease to occupy one of our short-term rental properties are CUSTOMERS of StayBettr. Customers may choose to enter into an agency relationship with a NY real estate licensee that will act in their interest as a tenant in negotiating a license or lease. StayBettr will cooperate with other real estate licensees to negotiate a license or lease on a short-term rental property. However, unless explicitly stated otherwise, StayBettr does not offer compensation to cooperating brokers acting in the interests of the tenant. It is the responsibility of the cooperating broker to seek compensation for their services from their tenant client. StayBettr does not enter into dual agency relationships with tenant customers seeking short-term rental licenses and leases for stays under 30 days.

The use of the word "tenant" does not imply that the customer has established tenancy on occupancy. The ability to establish tenancy is subject to various regulations and case law in New York. Our use of the word tenant is simply to align with the language provided in the Agency Disclosure Form.

For other types of listings, such as but not limited to, traditional rentals and property listed for sale, you may inquire regarding our agency relationship with our client.

Fair Housing and Non-Discrimination:

StayBettr encourages and supports an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no obstacles to obtaining housing based on an individual's familial status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, color, national origin, or religion. If you believe you have experienced housing discrimination, you may file a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). HUD's FHEO contact information is: (800) 877-0246 (Voice) or (206) 220-5185 (TTY), or via the internet at:

Clients and customers in the State of New York may have additional rights of complaint. Please review the NY Fair Housing notice for more information.